API Reference

Documentation for managing medical encounters

Record observations

This endpoint allows an authorized practitioner to record medical vital signs of a patient

URL: {{base_url}}/v1/providers/{{provider_id}}/observations
Method: POST

Request fields descriptions:

  • encounter_uuid (Required, string) - A uuid of an encounter object

  • patient_uuid (Required, string) - A uuid of a patient object

  • performer_uuid (Required, string) - A uuid of a practioner object. This is the clinician who perfomed the observations

  • observations (Required, List) - A list of observations

    Observation fields:
    - code (Required, string)
    - display (Required, string)
    - unit (Required, string)
    - value (Required, string)
    - category (Optional, string)
    - interpretation (Optional, string)

    Observation category options:
    - social-history (Social History)
    - vital-signs (Vital Signs)
    - imaging (Imaging)
    - laboratory (Laboratory)
    - procedure (Procedure)
    - exam (Exam)
    - therapy (Therapy)
    - Activity (Activity)
    - previous-medical-history (Previous Medical History)

    "encounter_uuid": "encounter_uuid",
    "patient_uuid": "patient_uuid",
    "performer_uuid": "<performer_uuid>",
    "observations": [
            "code": "TEMPERATURE",
            "display": "Temperature (°C)",
            "unit": "°C",
            "value": "36",
            "category": "<observation-category>",
          	"interpretation": "<interpretation>"
            "code": "HEIGHT",
            "display": "Height (cm)",
            "unit": "cm",
            "value": "192",
            "category": "<observation-category>"
    "success": true,
    "message": "Successfully saved the observations",
    "data": [
            "id": 2577,
            "uuid": "b48fe986-7afd-49a6-8dc3-19e41bd4e5e3",
            "code": "TEMPERATURE",
            "status": "",
            "display": "Temperature (°C)",
            "value": "36",
            "unit": "°C",
            "category": "vital-signs",
            "issued": "2023-01-12T21:14:32.832192Z",
            "patient": 7108,
            "encounter": "1235195f-ed7f-45ab-ad64-64b80fee5f09",
            "visit": "6fa72c96-182c-4e02-8799-0ecfbb492564",
            "performer": "43ca8bea-9874-4d9c-bcfd-6e524d4dd5a7",
            "performer_name": "Mr Jean baptiste Tuyizere",
            "reference_range_high": null,
            "reference_range_low": null,
            "interpretation": ""
            "id": 2578,
            "uuid": "565e1583-8ad6-4a90-b06b-c4ce435f3882",
            "code": "HEIGHT",
            "status": "",
            "display": "Height (cm)",
            "value": "192",
            "unit": "cm",
            "category": null,
            "issued": "2023-01-12T21:14:32.832416Z",
            "patient": 7108,
            "encounter": "1235195f-ed7f-45ab-ad64-64b80fee5f09",
            "visit": "6fa72c96-182c-4e02-8799-0ecfbb492564",
            "performer": "43ca8bea-9874-4d9c-bcfd-6e524d4dd5a7",
            "performer_name": "Mr Jean baptiste Tuyizere",
            "reference_range_high": null,
            "reference_range_low": null,
            "interpretation": ""
    "errors": null

Record a fall risk assessment via the Morse Fall Scale (MFS)

Before you begin
The Morse Fall Scale (MFS) is a rapid and simple method of assessing a patient’s likelihood of falling. It consists of six variables that are quick and easy to score, and it has been shown to have predictive validity and interrater reliability. The MFS is used widely in acute care settings, both in the hospital and long term care inpatient settings.
As this assessment concerns health risk factors of a patient, they belong to the "social-history" category of observations.

To learn more, please see https://networkofcare.org/library/Morse%20Fall%20Scale.pdf

For the purposes of understanding. The panel of observations for the morse fall scale can be found here: https://loinc.org/59453-1 and https://loinc.org/73830-2

A valueset for this panel is available here: https://serenity-health.readme.io/reference/valuesets#morse-fall-scale-fall-risk-assessment

The sample payload below the risk assessment of a patient who has been found to have a high risk of falling per the Morse fall scale

URL: {{base_url}}/v1/providers/{{provider_id}}/observations
Method: POST

    "encounter_uuid": "encounter_uuid", // admission encounter
    "patient_uuid": "patient_uuid",
    "performer_uuid": "<performer_uuid>",
    "observations": [
            "code": "HISTORY_OF_FALL",
            "display": "History of falling; immediate or within 3 months",
            "unit": null,
            "value": "0",
            "category": "social-history",
          	"interpretation": "No",
          	"created_at" : "2023-01-12T21:14:32.832192Z"
            "code": "SECONDARY_DIAGNOSIS",
            "display": "Secondary diagnosis (>= 2 medical diagnoses in chart)",
            "unit": null,
            "value": "15",
            "category": "social-history",
          	"interpretation": "Yes",
          	"created_at" : "2023-01-12T21:14:32.832192Z"
            "code": "AMBULATORY_AID",
            "display": "Ambulatory aid",
            "unit": null,
            "value": "0",
            "category": "social-history",
          	"interpretation": "Bed rest/nurse assist",
          	"created_at" : "2023-01-12T21:14:32.832192Z"
            "code": "INTRAVENOUS_THERAPY",
            "display": "Secondary diagnosis (>= 2 medical diagnoses in chart)",
            "unit": null,
            "value": "0",
            "category": "social-history",
          	"interpretation": "No",
          	"created_at" : "2023-01-12T21:14:32.832192Z"
            "code": "GAIT",
            "display": "Gait/Transferring",
            "unit": null,
            "value": "10",
            "category": "social-history",
          	"interpretation": "Weak",
          	"created_at" : "2023-01-12T21:14:32.832192Z"
            "code": "MENTAL_STATUS",
            "display": "Gait",
            "unit": null,
            "value": "10",
            "category": "social-history",
          	"interpretation": "Weak",
          	"created_at" : "2023-01-12T21:14:32.832192Z"
            "code": "MENTAL_STATUS",
            "display": "Mental status",
            "unit": null,
            "value": "15",
            "category": "social-history",
          	"interpretation": "Forgets limitations",
          	"created_at" : "2023-01-12T21:14:32.832192Z"
            "code": "FALL_RISK_ASSESSMENT",
            "display": "Fall risk assessment",
            "unit": null,
            "value": "65",
            "category": "social-history",
          	"interpretation": "High risk",
          	"created_at" : "2023-01-12T21:14:32.832192Z"

GET TEWS triage configurations

Notes about patient triage

In medicine, triage (/ˈtriːɑːʒ, triˈɑːʒ/) is a practice invoked when acute care cannot be provided for lack of resources. The process rations care towards those who are most in need of immediate care, and who benefit most from it. (Wikipedia)

TEWS(Triage Early Warning Score) is used as a marker for predicting mortality in trauma patients who presented to Emergency Services in healthcare facilities

This endpoint provides configurations for computing the TEWS triage scores of patients

For more information about TEWS, visit https://www.researchgate.net/publication/7333772_The_Cape_Triage_Score_-_A_triage_system_for_South_Africa

URL: <base_url>/providers/valueset/TEWS-config

Method: GET

  "code": "TEWS",
  "display": "Triage Early Warning Score (TEWS)",
  "score_parameters": [
      "code": "RR",
      "display": "Respiratory rate",
      "type": "reference_range_score",
      "range_low": 0,
      "range_high": null,
      "rules": [
          "high": 9,
          "low": null,
          "score": 2
          "high": 14,
          "low": 9,
          "score": 0
          "high": 20,
          "low": 15,
          "score": 1
          "high": 29,
          "low": 21,
          "score": 2
          "high": null,
          "low": 29,
          "score": 3
      "code": "AVPU",
      "display": "AVPU",
      "type": "key_value_score",
      "range_low": null,
      "range_high": null,
      "keys": [
      "rules": [
          "code": "alert",
          "display": "Alert",
          "score": 0
          "code": "voice",
          "display": "Reacts to voice",
          "score": 1
          "code": "pain",
          "display": "reacts to voice",
          "score": 2
          "code": "unresponsive",
          "display": "Unresponsive",
          "score": 3
  "discriminators": [
      "code": "time_to_treat",
      "display": "Time to treat",
      "type": "key_value_reference_range",
      "keys": [
      "rules": [
          "code": "immediate",
          "display": "Immediate",
          "high": null,
          "low": 7,
          "code": "less_than_10_minutes",
          "display": "Less than 10 minutes",
          "high": 6,
          "low": 5,

Medical references to TEWS triage is available below

850 850

Get recorded observations

This endpoint allows an authorized practitioner to view recorded medical vital signs of a patient.
Note that the observations results are sorted by created_at field in a descending order (from latest to oldest)

URL: {{base_url}}/providers/{{serenity_user_provider_id}}/observations
Method: GET

search query parameter's value options:

  • patient's first_name
  • patient 's last_name
  • patient's mobile
  • patient's mr_number

Other Filter query parameters:

  • status (string)
  • patient (string) - An id of a patient object
  • patient_id (string) - A uuid of patient object
  • encounter (string) - A id of encounter object
  • encounter_id (string) - A uuid of encounter object
  • category
  • unit
  • code
    "success": true,
    "message": "Operation successful",
    "meta": {
        "current": 1,
        "page_size_query": "page_size",
        "next": "",
        "previous": null,
        "page_size": 20,
        "total": 2556
    "results": [
            "id": 1,
            "uuid": "fa7be808-86ea-435d-bc07-32fb4b11a8cc",
            "code": null,
            "status": "registered",
            "display": null,
            "value": "Alendronic acid",
            "unit": "PREVIOUS_MEDICATION",
            "category": null,
            "issued": "2021-11-02T16:13:42.675698Z",
            "patient": 5,
            "encounter": "38e9c779-5adc-44ac-80cc-a8340bcaabdf",
            "visit": null,
            "performer": null,
            "performer_name": null,
            "reference_range_high": null,
            "reference_range_low": null,
            "interpretation": ""
            "id": 2,
            "uuid": "6cd5e969-af2e-443d-8c5d-22f717d91b11",
            "code": null,
            "status": "registered",
            "display": null,
            "value": "Pre-existing essential hypertension complicating childbirth",
            "unit": "PREVIOUS_ILLNESS",
            "category": null,
            "issued": "2021-11-02T16:13:42.676556Z",
            "patient": 5,
            "encounter": "38e9c779-5adc-44ac-80cc-a8340bcaabdf",
            "visit": null,
            "performer": null,
            "performer_name": null,
            "reference_range_high": null,
            "reference_range_low": null,
            "interpretation": ""

Record a chief complaint or history of presenting illness

This endpoint allows an authorized practitioner to record or update a patient's chief/presenting complaint during a consultation encounter

URL: {{base_url}}/v1/providers/{{provider_id}}/encounter-actions
Method: POST

  "action": "record-chief-complaint",
  "encounter_uuid": "encounter-uuid",
  "patient_uuid": "patient uuid",
  "data": {
    "chief_complaint": "Note goes here",
    "history_of_presenting_illness": "Note goes here"
    "id": "6d692d74-ce02-48aa-8355-efd9cf9aceb9",
    "appointment": null,
    "chief_complaint": "Note goes here",
    "encounter_care_plan": [
            "id": "9edb213c-f3bd-4a7d-bb69-66ba8e21e1b2",
            "uuid": "3671d61a-6fc2-4008-8938-73ef855e8549",
            "title": null,
            "description": "Hi",
            "period_start": null,
            "period_end": null,
            "patient_subject": null,
            "encounter": "6d692d74-ce02-48aa-8355-efd9cf9aceb9"
    "encounter_class": "ambulatory",
    "encounter_class_history": [],
    "encounter_diagnosis": [
            "id": "37a2a1d5-5e19-4399-8453-a912fa0659e7",
            "uuid": "657bfa03-0d30-4394-a175-e1dcf18c3fdb",
            "created_at": "2022-08-29T13:16:37.906256Z",
            "modified_at": "2022-08-29T13:16:37.906267Z",
            "condition": "COVID-19",
            "role": "chief-complaint",
            "rank": 1,
            "status": "PROVISIONAL",
            "note": null,
            "practitioner_role": null
            "id": "61ee06bf-fa7e-4fb7-9024-9da7e48605f5",
            "uuid": "3a1f0bcb-4fb5-4fb7-976a-549d2e32336a",
            "created_at": "2022-08-22T00:34:18.403924Z",
            "modified_at": "2022-08-22T00:34:18.403936Z",
            "condition": "Lead-induced gout, unspecified elbow",
            "role": "chief-complaint",
            "rank": 1,
            "status": "PROVISIONAL",
            "note": null,
            "practitioner_role": null
    "encounter_location": [],
    "encounter_participant": [
            "id": "a748dc15-0223-4f1a-820e-93988f70049a",
            "practitioner_detail": {
                "name": "Mr Chris Dare"
            "uuid": "bbdec3cd-6bc9-4bf4-be9e-a6a3767f00b3",
            "created_at": "2022-05-23T10:38:34.364881Z",
            "modified_at": "2022-05-23T10:38:34.364889Z",
            "type": "PRIMARY_PERFORMER",
            "start": null,
            "end": null,
            "dyte_participant_auth_token": null,
            "practitioner_role": "195f155e-60bd-4ed6-b6fb-f062fe750a9d",
            "related_person": null
    "encounter_patient_notes": [],
    "encounter_reason_code": [],
    "encounter_reason_reference": [],
    "encounter_referral_request": [],
    "encounter_status_history": [],
    "end_time": "2022-08-24T21:01:39Z",
    "history_of_presenting_illness": "Note goes here",
    "length": null,
    "part_of": null,
    "patient": 14484,
    "patient_detail": {
        "first_name": "Fictional Humphrey",
        "lastname": "Adae",
        "gender": "MALE",
        "birth_date": "1985-01-02",
        "mobile": "+18563368371",
        "age": 37
    "price_tier": 1347,
    "priority": "elective",
    "service_provider": "951ce6e6-abf8-4cd1-9986-36505a512b7e",
    "service_type": "773550b0-1d92-40a5-a859-b3cfd70353d3",
    "slot": "c651224e-26e5-4d27-b4f2-e2f647209505",
    "start_time": "2022-05-30T10:21:13.408549Z",
    "status": "finished",
    "type": null,
    "visit": "7bb9158b-d4ae-47ef-a420-669736ad10c9",
    "charge_item_status": "billable",
    "title": "GP Consultation with Mr Chris Dare",
    "status_comment": "Encounter with patient completed",
    "slot_practitioner_name": "Mr Chris Dare",
    "service_type_name": "GP Consultation"

Record a diagnoses

This endpoint allows an authorized practitioner to record or update a patient's chief/presenting complaint during a consultation encounter
To maintain backwards compatibility, this returns a detailed encounter object as the API response

URL: URL: {{base_url}}/v1/providers/{{provider_id}}/encounter-actions
Method: POST

  "action": "record-diagnoses",
  "encounter_uuid": "encounter-uuid",
  "patient_uuid": "patient uuid",
  "data": {
    "diagnoses": [
        "condition": "ICD-10 code",
        "code":"ICD-10 code",
        "role": "Diagnosis common name"
        "note": "Annotated text recorded by the doctor"

Record Encounter Notes

This endpoint allows an authorized practitioner to record notes during a consultation encounter
To maintain backwards compatibility, this returns a detailed encounter object as the API response

URL: URL: {{base_url}}/v1/providers/{{provider_id}}/encounter-actions
Method: POST

    "action": "encounter-notes",
    "encounter_uuid": "bdbd9366-daf8-409a-8288-1b97a17b41ca",
    "patient_uuid": "patient uuid",
    "data": {
        "id": "Note ID",
        "uuid": "Note UUID",
        "display": "Note details",
        "patient": "Patient ID i.e., 14496",
        "practitioner": null,
        "practitioner_role": null

Create a ward round

This endpoint allows an authorized practitioner to record notes during a medical officer's ward round.
To maintain backwards compatibility, this returns a detailed encounter object as the API response

URL: {{base_url}}/v1/providers/{{provider_id}}/encounter-actions
Method: POST

Body Params

  • action (string, required) - Value must be record-medical-officer-ward-round for hospitalization ward rounds
  • encounter_uuid (string, required) - A uuid from an encounter object
  • patient_uuid (string, required) - A uuid from an patient object
  • data (object, required):
    • location_uuid (string, optional)
    • notes (string, optional)
    • chief_complaint (string, optional)
    • care_plan (object, optional)
      • description (string, required)
      • title (string, required)
      • period_start (datetime, optional)
      • period_end (datetime, optional)
    • diagnoses (list, optional)
      • condition (string, required)
      • code (string, required)
      • role (string, required)
      • note (string, optional)
    • observations (list, optional)
      • code (string, optional)
      • display (string, optional)
      • unit (string, optional)
      • value (any, required)
      • category (string, optional)
      • interpretation (string, optional)
    "action": "record-medical-officer-ward-round",
    "encounter_uuid": "<ecounter_uuid>",
    "patient_uuid": "<patient uuid>",
    "data": {
    	"notes": "notes",
		"chief_complaint": "Note details",
		"location_uuid": "<location-uuid>",
		"care_plan": {
		    "description": "just description",
		    "title": "This is a title",
		    "period_start": "",
		    "period_end": ""
		"diagnoses": [
				"condition": "",
				"code": "",
				"role": "",
				"note": ""
				"code": "",
				"display": "",
				"unit": "",
				"value": "",
				"category": "",
				"interpretation": ""
    "success": true,
    "message": "Success",
    "data": {
        "id": "c1d76193-ae21-4786-8dd2-4243a05fde43",
        "uuid": "2c5f1265-5ccf-46b6-abdc-3b668b8a63db",
        "appointment": null,
        "chief_complaint": "aha",
        "encounter_care_plan": [
                "id": "e34c0de4-5423-459a-9a9d-f9dcebc18364",
                "uuid": "349849bb-0a7f-4781-8c63-08016cd5108a",
                "title": "aha",
                "description": "Meh",
                "period_start": null,
                "period_end": null,
                "patient_subject": 1176,
                "encounter": "c1d76193-ae21-4786-8dd2-4243a05fde43"
        "encounter_class": "inpatient-encounter",
        "encounter_class_history": [],
        "encounter_diagnosis": [],
        "encounter_location": [],
        "encounter_participant": [],
        "encounter_patient_notes": [],
        "encounter_reason_code": [],
        "encounter_reason_reference": [],
        "encounter_referral_request": [],
        "encounter_status_history": [],
        "end_time": null,
        "history_of_presenting_illness": null,
        "length": null,
        "part_of": "74f2b54e-e116-4286-8ccd-965fbb993cf1",
        "patient": 1176,
        "patient_detail": {
            "first_name": "Ubaru",
            "lastname": "Clement Uzochuku",
            "gender": "MALE",
            "birth_date": "1987-11-07",
            "mobile": "+233241122870",
            "age": 35
        "price_tier": null,
        "priority": "elective",
        "service_provider": "951ce6e6-abf8-4cd1-9986-36505a512b7e",
        "service_type": "63d7c095-d140-44a9-8096-304e25886675",
        "slot": null,
        "start_time": "2023-01-24T15:54:24.435829Z",
        "status": "in-progress",
        "type": null,
        "visit": null,
        "charge_item_status": "billable",
        "title": null,
        "status_comment": "Encounter in progress",
        "slot_practitioner_name": null,
        "service_type_name": "Ovarian Surgery",
        "chief_complaint_editors_display": "",
        "history_of_presenting_illness_editors_display": "",
        "chief_complaint_editor_uuids": null,
        "history_of_presenting_illness_editor_uuids": null,
        "has_prescriptions": false,
        "primary_location": null,
        "hospitalization": null,
        "is_ward_round": true
    "errors": "None"

Delete recorded diagnoses

  "action": "delete-diagnoses",
  "encounter_uuid": "encounter-uuid",
  "data": {
    "diagnoses": [
        "uuid": "diagnoses id"
        "uuid": "diagnoses id"

Referral Request

This endpoint allows a provider to search and filter for patients referral request. Below is a field of allowed query params for searching and filtering.

Search parameter can search for the requester's and recipient's name.

URL: {{base_url}}/v1/providers/{{provider_ID}}/referral-request
Method: GET

  "search"  : "Name of practictioner",
  "patient" : 123,
  "visit" :  "Visit ID"
  "recipient_extra_detail"  : "recipient extra detail"
  "requester" : "Requesting Practictioner ID",
  "recipient"  : "Requesting Practitioner ID",
  "start" : "Date to start filter",
  "end" : "Date to end filter for referrals"

Get encounters

This endpoint allows a provider to retrieve a list of encounters for a given provider

URL: {{base_url}}/providers/{{serenity_user_provider_id}}/encounter
Method: GET

Query parameters to filter by:
patient_uuid (string) - A uuid of a Patient object
patient (int) - An id of a Patient object
encounter_class (string)
mr_number (string)
mobile (string)
created_at__lte (datetime)
created_at__gte (datetime)
part_of_uuid (string) - A uuid of an Encounter object (Could be used to get Ward Rounds of an admission Encounter)
part_of (string) - An id of an Encounter object (Could be used to get Ward Rounds of an admission Encounter)

Example url: {{base_url}}/providers/{{serenity_user_provider_id}}/encounter?patient_uuid=115a3478-0df6-4390-b33a-38a7eef2d947

Note: Using either part_of or part_of_uuid, retrieves only ward rounds (encounters with is_ward_round=True) whose part_of or part_of_uuid attribute is equal to the query parameter's value. Otherwise, only encounters with is_ward_round=False are returned.

    "success": true,
    "message": "Operation successful",
    "meta": {
        "current": 1,
        "page_size_query": "page_size",
        "next": null,
        "previous": null,
        "page_size": 50,
        "total": 2
    "results": [
            "id": "1d54195a-0460-4502-9464-e4c9cd28f3d2",
            "uuid": "3a1edb49-c1f6-4272-80e8-737fc894db75",
            "appointment": null,
            "chief_complaint": null,
            "encounter_care_plan": [],
            "encounter_class": "inpatient-encounter",
            "encounter_class_history": [],
            "encounter_diagnosis": [],
            "encounter_location": [],
            "encounter_participant": [],
            "encounter_patient_notes": [],
            "encounter_reason_code": [],
            "encounter_reason_reference": [],
            "encounter_referral_request": [],
            "encounter_status_history": [],
            "end_time": null,
            "history_of_presenting_illness": null,
            "length": null,
            "part_of": null,
            "patient": 14622,
            "patient_detail": {
                "first_name": "Ted",
                "lastname": "Bundy",
                "gender": "UNKNOWN",
                "birth_date": null,
                "mobile": "+233225588066",
                "age": null
            "price_tier": null,
            "priority": "elective",
            "service_provider": "951ce6e6-abf8-4cd1-9986-36505a512b7e",
            "service_type": "5856196f-4fb6-455b-a690-b483b5091d1e",
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            "type": null,
            "visit": null,
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            "slot_practitioner_name": null,
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            "history_of_presenting_illness_editors_display": "",
            "chief_complaint_editor_uuids": null,
            "history_of_presenting_illness_editor_uuids": null,
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            "visit": null,
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            "status_comment": "Patient checked in. Vitals yet to be recorded",
            "slot_practitioner_name": null,
            "service_type_name": "Ward A",
            "chief_complaint_editors_display": "",
            "history_of_presenting_illness_editors_display": "",
            "chief_complaint_editor_uuids": null,
            "history_of_presenting_illness_editor_uuids": null,
            "has_prescriptions": false,
            "primary_location": null,
            "hospitalization": 37,
            "is_ward_round": false

Encounter Summary

This endpoint allows a provider or an authorized user to get the summary of an encounter.

URL: {{base_url}}/v1/providers/encounter-summaries

Method: GET

  "success": true,
  "message": "Operation successful",
  "data": [
      "id": "e704e046-6dae-40e2-becf-efcaf273a726",
      "chief_complaint" : "Headache",
      "end_time": "10c114b7-a6b2-4373-b8dd-50fb922f397b",
      "patient_detail" : {
          "first_name": "xxxx",
          "lastname": "xxxx",
          "gender": "MALE",
          "birth_date": "2001-01-01",
          "mobile": "+233xxxx36077",
          "age": 21
      "price_tier": 1347,
      "priority": "elective",
      "service_provider" : "951ce6e6-abf8-4cd1-9986-36505a512b7e",
      "service_type": "773550b0-1d92-40a5-a859-b3cfd70353d3",
      "slot": "7590127f-b22f-420e-9dfe-bf719f0fd6f0,
      "start_time": "2022-05-17T22:09:54.021319Z",
      "status": "planned",
      "type": null,
      "visit": "7590127f-b22f-420e-9dfe-bf719f0fd6f0",
      "charge_item_status": "billable",
      "title":"GP Consultation with Dr Daniel Darko",
      "status_comment" : "Bill unpaid, Payment required to start this encounter",
      "slot_practitioner_name": "Dr Daniel Darko",
      "service_type_name": "GP Consultation"

Get Encounter prescriptions

This endpoint allows to get a paginated list of prescriptions

URL: {{base_url}}/providers/951ce6e6-abf8-4cd1-9986-36505a512b7e/encounter-prescriptions?search=Fic

Method: GET

Query Parameters:

  • search (value can be any of the following: patientfirst_name, patientusermobile, patientusernational_mobile_number, patientuseremail, patientlast_name, patient__other_names, and mr_number)
  • mr_number
  • mobile (patient's mobile)
  • status
  • visit
  • service_provider
  • created_at__lte (encounter's created_at)
  • created_at__gte (encounter's start)
    "success": true,
    "message": "Operation successful",
    "meta": {
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        "page_size_query": "page_size",
        "next": null,
        "previous": null,
        "page_size": 50,
        "total": 5
    "results": [
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            "encounter_diagnosis": [],
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